
Plans, Shlans

My plans for today? Didn't happen....the other girl I work with had a family emergency and needed me to work for her this morning. I didn't realize it (or didn't want to...) until this morning so I got to work around 9:30 and didn't get nearly as much done today as I would have liked. I did, however, get a thank you gift mailed to CG for my Chicago trip, made pumpkin cupcakes (haven't tried them yet, hoping for deliciousness!!) to take to Early's for dessert tonight, got my car cleaned out and almost completed my laundry. I still need to get the oil changed in my car & mop my floors but I don't see either one of them happening today. I'm going to put icing on a few cupcakes to take up to my chiropracter buddy and his office staff and then it's off to boot camp. So much for my super productive day - I'll have to settle on a semi-productive day instead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like it was pretty productive to me!!!!