

I want to juice. I don't want to be one of those crazy "I only eat liquid meal" juicers. But maybe one a day to really pack in my veggies. I'm working on taking in 2-3 servings of leafy greens per day. I don't actually know how big one serving should be. (ok, I just looked it up. Each serving is approximately 1 cup.) Smoothies and juices were recommended.

I had my first one on Tuesday. As I blindly combined ingredients, I had this look on my face. Ew. It was sounding pretty gross. Coconut water or filtered water? Coconut? Kale? yes. Spinach? yes. Green apples? ....yeah? I was instructed to add some fruit because right now I pretty much just had a warm smoothie and that wouldn't be very good. The grocery store that was making this smoothie froze all their fruit. So bananas and pineapple found their way into my smoothie. I was pretty terrified taking a sip...and wow! It was actually pretty good! It tasted mostly of banana. And it was very green. It was about 2 servings of my leafy greens for the day!

So the smoothie was delicious. But it was $5. I can't spend $5 a day on smoothies. That seems ridiculous and excessive. So I want to buy a juicer. Or a blender that can handle all of those ingredients. I don't know much in the way of blenders vs juicers. It is definitely time to do some research. Does anyone have any input? A favorite blender/juicer? Any favorite ingredients to throw in?

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