
Three Cups Of Tea

I'm almost finished with Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. Have you read it? It's amazing! The foreward warns that there are very few people who encounter Greg Mortenson who don't fall under his spell and it is so true. I'm not quite finished and already, I want to help! And all I did was read the book, imagine if I actually met him! It tells the story of an American climber who is in Pakistan to climb a mountain. He fails his attempt at the climb but encounters a village of people that change the course of his life. The children want to learn so badly, they sit out on a cold rock, scratching multiplication tables into the dirt without a teacher. He sets out to build them a school and that is where his adventure really began. He completed one school and decided to do more. He builds school throughout rural Pakistan and Afghanistan. His main goal is to make sure that girls have a place to receive an education. According to the book, if you give the poor a chance to become literate, they are much less likely to join the Taliban and the whole anti-American bandwagon. Also, I like that the curriculum is not western based and trying to teach the students things that are relevent in America.
I strongly suggest you read the book. It makes me realize how lucky I really am and how much I have in my life. Also, if you read (or don't read) the book and are interested in contributing, did you know it takes only $1 a month for a childs education? Or for $1 a day you can pay a teacher's salary? (and American teachers thought they were underpaid!!) It seems like such a small amount that would mean so little to us, but it could change a child's life! Also, if you decide to buy the book, if you buy it through the website 7% of the purchase price is donated toward a girl's education fund.

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. - Persian proverb

1 comment:

Heather Rose Basey said...

I was reading your blog and when i got to the bottom and read the qoute I suddenly felt better. I really enjoyed your blog and I am going to check out the author. but its just the qoute I can't get over "when it is darkest you can see the stars." its like its saying when there is no hope at all and the world is truly dark the stars will always be there. I liked that because I was feeling in a dark place today. Thank you!