
I Need a Vacation...

I need a vacation from my vacation! Who knew it could be so exhausting? I'm sitting here half awake and it's only 4 pm! I've really enjoyed sleeping in every day and aside from a minor blip from the real world....this has been the most relaxing week ever! Today, for once, the sand wasn't blindingly hot and the water was warm. I know, it sounds crazy but the water has been FREEZING all week but you got 3rd degree burns from walking on the sand. It was not a good mixture. I ended up burning my feet on the sand each day as I went to leave that I refused to go back! But today, ah sweet today, the sand was touchable! And I swam out to the sand bar...it took 3 tries and a stranger's hand to get me out there but I finally made it! Tomorrow - surfing! Yes, that's right...surfing! I've never tried but really, how hard can surfing be??? *yes, I know, those are famous last words*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

becareful you don't get hit in the head by your sufboard!