
I wish it would rain....

So I'm talking to this guy who I'm supposed to be going out with tomorrow and I really don't want to. My suggestion was to go to happy hour. It's cheap, has a time limit and I can always drink to make him more entertaining. He wants to go walk the bridge. That means I'm stuck with him for probably at least an hour. Now he wants to know where I live...somehow I think that he thinks it means I will ride with him. I will NOT ride with him. There are a couple reasons: 1) he might be crazy and try to murder me. 2) I have a feeling that afterwards I'm going to need to call someone to say, gross this guy was HORRIBLE! 3)I don't want him to know where I live.
This does not seem like it's going to be a good date. Then there's another guy I was emailing today and he's already on my nerves. Going on a date with him would also not be a good idea....

***Update:*** For those of you wondering, I went the chickenshit route and decided to not answer any of his crazy stalker phone calls or his IMs. So far, for today, he was stopped calling. Hopefully it won't resume tomorrow!

1 comment:

Heto said...

Hmm, an interesting dilemma! I'm interested in hearing the outcome later this evening!

Did the good doc like his dessert the other day?