Well, today was my first rainy, windy day in the big city. Here's what I learned:
1. Don't fix your hair. It's going to get blown around anyways.
2. Invest in a hat. It'll mess your hair up but will at least keep your hair contained & out of your face.
3. Umbrellas are stupid.
4. Hoods on jackets/sweatshirts are a very good idea.
5. If it's raining out, don't wear long pants. Mine are a good length...except when it rains. Ankle length pants would have been so much better!
6. My shoes don't actually fit. I thought they did but everytime I wear them, I end up with blisters.
7. My hips are not made for walking.
8. A day full of walking & standing around makes me very very tired.
9. I should keep Kleenex or a handkercheif in my purse at all times. I will have a runny nose from it being cold/numb for the next 6 months.
10. I do not like the smell of other people when wet.
11. I should avoid the L between 4-6 pm if at all possible.
Overall, it was a good day but definitely a learning experience. I volunteered handing out runner packets at Union Station today and got a shirt that says "will run for chocolate". I also met 2 really nice girls, 1 of whom is going to email me a list of things to do/places to go in Chicago.
sounds like a productive day!!!
I have friends in Chicago, I'll try to hook you up!
Invest in a good rain coat. Umbrella's are useless in the driving rain.
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