

Is it meant to be? A friend of mine from here in Charleston just got a job in Chicago. She leaves in a few weeks. I'm really sad to see her go...while she was not a close friend, she was hilarious and I think with some time, she could have become a closer friend. Plus she was really tall. Doesn't that just make you like someone more? When they are ridiculously tall? The job is a great opportunity for her and I hope she does really well out there! I know she's nervous about the move but it's exciting for me...if I decide to move there, I'll know 2 people! Plus she can get me all kinds of cookware accessories! (always a plus in a friend, their ability to get you free or reduced price cookware)
She'll be moved by the time I go visit in October so I'll definitely have to hang out with her while I'm out there. I'm glad I have a new vacation to look forward to, only 2 more months!!


Anonymous said...

Don't you know it is really really cold and windy in Chicago

Emily/Randomability said...

and hot and humid! LOL!!!

It'll be nice.