
*smack smack*

So, maybe I'm an AC nazi....but I told my roomie a few weeks ago that it shouldn't go below 78. I'm tired of having an almost $300 electric bill because he wants to keep it freezing cold in here. Now, I know...we live in the South, it's the middle of summer, it's a little bit warm and humid outside. PUT ON SOME SHORTS! Seriously, stop wearing jeans in the house, turn on your fan...you will survive. Now the last time the air got turned down to 72, he said he didn't do it. Well.....I didn't do it, and he didn't do it. Perhaps Evie? (That's my dog....my super powered robot dog, apparently)
So I see the following as my options since I've already spoken to him about it: a)Punch him (won't accomplish anything but I'll feel a lot better!)
b)Suck it up and just be pissy about paying too much
c)Tell him he has to pay 2/3 of the electric bill if he wants to keep the air below 75.

See....I'm nice. I said below 78 at first, but if it's too hot, he can come speak to me and say "I'm hot." I will compromise and say 75. But NOOOO....he just does his own thing then denies it.


Emily/Randomability said...

I would be wearing a sweater if our AC was set to 72. I'm in IL so I'm no stranger to heat & humidity. I can deal with that, but not the cold.

Yes. If he wants the AC cooler, then make him pay more.

Lauren said...

78! you are crazy! we keep ours at 68 and I can't sleep unless we have the air down to 64! i would probably die if the air was at 78. the thing is if you are hot there is nothing you can do to get cooler, if you are cold you can wear more clothes. i have really low body tempature (average around 95.5-96) so i feel temperatures differently than most people i think.

Emily/Randomability said...

Lauren: I'd be a Momsicle in your house. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

K said...
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K said...

68 Lauren!???!! I would be a popsicle! If he complained he was hot, I'd be willing to compromise but he doesn't say anything. Plus...you can put on less clothes, turn on the ceiling fan, spritz yourself with water, there's lots to do to cool down!